Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Jersey!

Emily and I  recently moved back to New Jersey!  I will be getting my Master's Degree in Library Science from Rutgers University.  We will be living on campus in Piscataway, New Jersey.  Piscataway is about an hour north of where we lived before.  We are excited for a new challenge and look forward to what will be coming in the future.  

Here are some pictures of our cramped little apartment.  Our bedroom is has decent and it doesn't seem like we have a lot of stuff.  You should see under our bed though.  

Here is our living room.  It is kind of cramped, but we have to keep telling ourselves that it's only for a little while.  The kitchen is part of the living room.  


Anna said...

Yay, its fun to be able to see where you live!!! I hope you have a great time in New Jersey although I miss having you live a little bit closer, at least then we got too see you sometimes.

Howard and Melissa said...

Hi, I'm so excited to find another fellow family blogger! I heard from Mema that you moved back to New Jersey! Our blog address is:

Susan said...

Amazingly enough, I think that your countertop is just a smidge bigger than mine. Is that possible? Or is it just the fact that you have the microwave up on the fridge? Hmm?

Katja said...

You have a bed, no fair.

Sue Arnett said...

We miss you guys back here in good ole Arizoni but know you're in for another grand adventure back in New Jersey. It was great to see pictures of you two and your apartment and having fun in NY. Now we have you and Doug and Maryjane bloging.We need to get the rest of us. Post to Arnettics. Everyone would love to see what you're doing! Love you guys!